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6 or 12 years issue should put temp' hold on current cases

from Lee (repossession@home-repo.org)
A kind reader just sent me the following:

Re Limitations Act and 6/12 yerar rule.

There are three cases due to be heard in the Court of Appeal on this issue. They were due to be heard on July 24 and 25, but I have heard that they are now being heard in June.

The cases are:

Halifax v Grant

Bartlett v Bristol and West

A Paragon case (no further details)

Re statutory demands: I have recently managed to get a client' application to set aside a statutory demand (on the basis that the debt is statute barred after 6 years)adjourned until the CA decides.

All the best

If anyone can find out more details about these cases and their status, please share it.

Also, for anyone currently facing a claim that has a 6/12 year element: you should use the fact that a precedent-setting court is to hear these issues in the next few months to get your case put on hold.

You will need to apply to your court if a claim has already been filed against you.

Good luck, keep me up to date ;-)


(posted 8007 days ago)

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