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yay, doing large format photography is fun!

from Edward Kang (ekang@cse.nd.edu)
I finally bought myself my own view camera (Sinar F) and I've been having a lot of fun lately taking nature pictures. I took a picture of my two friends just for the heck of it a couple of months ago, and just now got around to developing all the photos I had taken with the camera until a few days ago. Used a Yankee agitank (cool once you get the da***ed bugs out of it!), TMAX400, TMAX RS developer, blah, blah.

Two things:

a. If you take fashion portraits with a 4x5 view camera, you are to be applauded. This stuff is not as 'easy' as lugging around the 35mm.

b. This stuff is rewarding! I just love playing around with grain-free fat negatives on the computer. It's just really fun.

Hopefully soon I'll be returning to my SLR and return to my fashion wannabe photography :) Right now I'm just having too much fun! I just wanted to share with you guys a pic, just because I'm so excited!

(posted 8262 days ago)

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