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Response to Pathetic Website

from E (Webmaster@CaseyAffleck.com)
You are all correct. This site hasn't been updated in SOOOOOOO long! I apologize for being so lazy. The fact is this isn't Casey's official site. I am just a fan who snagged the domain name because it was available and did the best I could with it at the time. I keep meaning to update it, but I'M LAZY!!! If people want to email me pictures, stories, whatever! I will post them. I have a bunch of photos and articles to scan and post, but I haven't gotten around to it.

If Casey wants his domain name, I'd sell it to him for a dollar.

I do feel bad that maybe he visits this site from time to time (or used to) and that maybe his self esteem suffers a little because it hasn't been updated in so long. Casey, you ROCK man! It's not because YOU suck. It's because *I* suck! Someone else could do SO much better with this domain. But I won't give it to anyone but Casey, so don't ask.

Anyway, I do a really funny imitation of Casey. At least my wife thinks it's funny. I think it sounds more like that guy Steve on Sex and the City. (You know Steve --the guy who has testicle cancer.) There is a certain Casey-esque quality to him...

But I digress...

So what would anyone like to see on this site? If I get requests for stuff, I'll post it. I'm not going to do a whole site redesign, because I'm not Amazon.com and don't have any time. I'm only posting all this stuff right now because I'm waiting for a large print job. Okay, actually, I'm cooking up a batch of crystal meth in my woods trailer, and I have to wait for the liquid ammonia to be *just* the right temperature before I add it to the mix. (Sensitive stuff, that crank!)

Well, anyway, I am a true Casey fan, and so is my wife. I'm just a crappy webmaster.

Later, E

(posted 8303 days ago)

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