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Response to Stat Insolvency Demand, Royal & Sun Al MIG - Curtis Solicitors

from Vic Harper (victorcharper@aol.com)
I would respectfully suggest that you take several photocopies of these 'documents', and keep the originals in a safe place, as they sound extremely valuable to your case.

I think all readers of this website would be very interestd in, and probably able to commment more effectively on, the MIG aspect, if they knew the content of the 'description' of the MIG in the letter you describe. This could be of vital importance to others too.

Of course now the solicitors have gone 'legal' they have a duty under the latest Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) to provide you with ALL documentation 'up front'/PDQ, not least as you previously sought access to it via the SARNs which have not been complied with.

There is also the issue of undue delay by your opponents in bringing these proceedings, and there is recent Court of Appeal comment (Feb. 2000) for this, although the actual case is not to hand - hopefully others will pick up on this and help you.

Please keep the THRP site posted of all progress/developments, as it is only with the benefit of ongoing information, that others can provide you with assistance and guidance.

Good luck & stand your ground - Vic.

(posted 8426 days ago)

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