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(obvious?) missing category vs. political "correctness"

from Larry H. Smith (LarryHS@webtv.net)
Hi Shawn/All, Peter asked for a "scenario", and got more than that..dress, expression, setting, pose, lighting and other suggestions/critique, etc. This spirited exchange from 10 or so(at this time) interested participants. Shawn needed to position himself "over a bed" to shoot a model (maybe in pj's for a mattress ad.- maybe NOT).

I think the responses indicate (if it needs to be said) that such subject matter(call it what you will.. glamour/erotic/nude etc.) is very appropriately a part of any forum claiming to be oriented around "people" photography(unless we take the stand that models in such categories are not "people").

Is the forum willing to "pretend" there is no interest in such among "serious" photogs such as we, to avoid the inevitable/occasional tongue-clucking disapproval of some self-appinted censor? A trip to any bookstore/library of merit will find such material quite-rightly categorized in a forthright manner..acknowledging the inherent value of the subject matter(needless to say, of interest to the "cultured" and "not-so-cultured" alike).

Certainly there is a great amount of photographic activity "focused" on these topics. The subjects in each case(g./e./n.) are "people". Not babies, not "formal" portrait sitters, not "runway"fashion models. But, entirely as "deserving" of categorization on a forum such as this.I realize that these categories are subject to attention from "visitors" having little interest in the photographic methodology, but there are plenty of sites more suited to their interests, which I believe would soon have them on their way again. My point is that it would be more honest and helpful to those seriously interested in these types of photography, to have a defined category for them...rather than have them tucked away in the "uncategorized"(wink-wink!) category, as they become "dated". For those who are uncomfortable with mature subjects, I'm sure some reasonable level of "censorship" re. any posted images would be readily accepted by the group.

I have some background in sculpture, and have always found it interesting that the artistic depiction of the human form, if in a museum or coffee-table book, is "classic art"...but in your neighbor's house it is likely to be seen as evidence of perversity(unless, of course, your neighbor's house is a mansion). Discussion? Larry

(posted 8856 days ago)

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