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Response to I want to spend the next year of my life emulating this guy's work. Does that make me lame?

from alan dale (adale66@excite.com)
This very cynical view of life in general and photography in particular you describe may be true from your perspective, John -- but it does not describe how I live my life. Call me naive, but I'd rather give up photography altogether than spend my time and energy scheming and strategizing on how I am "going to get to the top of my field." I'm in photography because I like working with photography, I like working with images, I like to draw and paint and hang out with people who like that kind of stuff... My perspective on commercial photography (based on a couple years first as an assistant and now as a shooter) is that it DOES matter what you do...there are a few shooters in every community who have their clients snowed and who shlock through the work, talk themselves up, employ spin and damage control to great effect when things go wrong and they seem to do okay -- but who wants to do that? The difference between you and I is that I want to do photography well -- I want to take pictures that please me and make my living...you seem to see photography as an incidental in gratifying your ego...I don't know how else to interperate phrases like, It goes without saying that you have to be skilled (a much better term than talented), but you can make your own breaks (or, rather, maximize the opportunity for them). So would you rather maximize your chances or just rationalize why you aren't as successful as you'd like to be?

Don't put me in "wants to maximize" category or in "rationalize"... I think I belong in "probably doesn't give a shit whether most other people consider him a hack or a hero -- wants to take pictures and get paid, wants to enjoy life and art." And while we are "maximizing our chances" or "rationalizing why we aren't as successful as you'd like to be?" please tell us where you fit in? You have revealed a little info about yourself but you don't seem to be currently working on getting commercial photography work. So at what point do YOU start to be a force to be reckoned with in fashion photography? If it seems I'm beating up on you, its because I think you are offering people irresponsible, destructive advice...they come to the forum with an enthusiasm for photography of people and you are actively discouraging people from shooting --- it makes no sense to me. Personally, my advice to anyone who will listen is "shoot as much as possible..."

(posted 8459 days ago)

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