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Mortgage Shortfall Support Group: read this to find out how we are publicising the mortgage shortfall nightmare

from Eleanor Scott (eleanor.scott@btinternet.com)
Hi, I help to co-ordinate the Mortgage Shortfall Support Group (which incorporates the Abbey National Action Group). I started a thread a couple of months back, called 'Who wants to help publicise the mortgage shortafll nightmare?'. Well, plenty of you did, and to date we have (since only late July) formed a support&campaign group and we have had articles in: The Guardian; Private Eye; mrscohen.com [respected financial web site]; and we have helped to start the 'Call Off The Mortgage Hounds' campaign in the Mail on Sunday. Future articles in these and other publications are anticipated. (The Mail on Sunday have had sack-loads of letters from victims, and will be following up for as long as it takes.) Group members have been interviewed by local, regional and national newspapers, and by BBC TV. This is a campaign that is gathering momentum by the day, and if any of you out there would like to join our support group, and/or talk to a journalist, then please contact me. We can and must fight these avaricious, intrusive and unscrupulous lenders. My partner and I both work for low wages in the public sector (education and NHS) so I feel that we've already paid our dues and that we and our small children don't deserve to be destroyed by some spurious, massive debt claim from a negligent lender. I have been surprised by just how shocked and sympathetic even hardened journalists have been when it comes to tales of mortgage shortfall 'debt' and lenders' tactics (not least the threatening-letter-conveyor-belt antics of their various solicitors); basically, there is a great deal more to be gained by telling our stories and highlighting all the common abuses. Good luck, and let's all stick together. Eleanor Scott.
(posted 8612 days ago)

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