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Response to I think they've only sent me half my file

from Lee (repossession@bigfoot.com)
I've tried to answer your questions in rough order...

It's certainly possible, and even quite likely, that the management company bought your property if it was a long leasehold flat. If so (and a Land Registry search will probably tell you, as will waiting for the lender to issue a writ and then using "Discovery" rights), then it is likely that your lender will have a hard time winning against you in court. See recent newsletters in the library for why this is.

Property price falls varied enormously around the country and varied with property type too. I'm not sure what you mean when you say the property was "put on the market for #15,000". Do you mean they put a #15,000 asking price on it in a public advert?

Credit searches against repossessees are normal - see the Do's and Don'ts section for much explanation of why they did it.

Under current Data Protection law, they don't have to send you paperwork yet, only electronic records. But to take you to court they will have to produce paper records if you invoke your Discovery rights (and you will, of course) at which point you can make them an offer or continue to fight, depending on what you find.

I don't have room here for a detailed expalanation of these answers but it is all in the Do's and Don'ts section.

I'm very interested in seeing copies of the documents that show they did a credit search on you and the document (presumably a credit reference agency record) that has your record without the search showing up. I will explain why if you contact me directly at repossession@bigfoot.com.

Sorry for the delay in replying - things have been frantic here.


(posted 8641 days ago)

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