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Response to You've got to have a gimmick!

from John Kantor (jkantor@mindspring.com)
I did start this thread by talking about breaking in at a "national level" - by which I meant nationally known (and outside of a small circle of, say, national clients). Pretty much by definition, someone whose work I haven't seen and probably never will doesn't fit into that category. I wouldn't mind having a steady career in photography either, but I'm asking how people make it beyond that level.

All I've really been talking about is good marketing, which seems to be the big difference between fame and fortune and merely a career. Let me ask you (any of you) this: do you consider Annie Liebovitz to be a better photographer than you? or just better known?

And as for that fame and fortune? In any endeavor they may not bring happiness, but they do bring opportunity. Let me know when you can choose when to work, who to work for, and what to shoot - without having a backup job at Home Depot.

(By the way, I'd love to hear more about "the situation" I'm in and the steps I could follow to get out of it.)

(posted 8700 days ago)

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