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Response to and now for somewthing completely different

from Robert Anderson (randerson1@uswest.net)
I love this image! Very telling of this young boys life I think.

However, if youre ready for the ramblings of a lunatic read on.

As to your portfolio, my thought would be to either not include this image until you have more along this vein, or organize the entire portfolio into a giant, flowing form that is NOT divided into "groups." I have fought this battle before, and ultimately sat on what I considered "great" images until I had enough to complete the statement. I feel that if you include every image that you think is good, but they are not thematically linked in some manner [and that can be a fairy broad/thin connection] you are watering down your vision/statement. When I find myself in the same situation, I set out to specifically add new personal work that is slanted towards my needs to complete a "genre specific book."

I now have three separate "people" books [fashion, twisted, and B/W] plus a general book that contains a few of each. But the general book does not have enough "oomph" to close the deal. It shows my range, and hopefully triggers other possibilities for assignments from the prospects.

Each portfolio contains 18~20 images, with my strongest 4~5 up front, and 2~3 "gems" at the end. The stuff in the middle is used to sell my depth, and grasp of the subject, as well as to illustrate specific problem solving situations. I have found that people [AD's, Art Buyers, etc.] will have you "pegged" on the 3rd or 4th shot, so make it compelling up front. Then seal the deal at the end with a couple of images that SCREAM, "I'm good, and know what I'm doing. Hire me!"

I have found that my commercial clients do not want to wade through non-specific images, and appreciate my understanding their needs/wants. So, when I go on a book review, I show my range through the general book, but show my ability with the mission specific book. I play it by ear as to which book I show first [specific or general]. This largely depends on what clues I can pick up along the way [what they have on the walls, magazines, etc. in their office, how busy they seem to be]. And if I get the impression that things are going South, I punch out A.S.A.P., and dont waste either of our times by showing the second book.

I spend a lot of time setting up my books, and edit ruthlessly. If I can not establish a thematic connection between images, then I get rid of the problem shot, and set out to produce more work along it's lines to beef up the statement. I set up my portfolios to flow like a good movie, you know youre watching a good movie when at the end all of your questions have been answered, but you still want more.

In short, if it's worth saying, its worth saying whole-heartedly!

BTW, I'm now fully in the House-of-blood, thanks!!

(posted 8824 days ago)

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