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Response to Fledgling DP needs advice

from Ewen Wallace (ewenw@optusnet.com.au)
Beta SP will look better than DV at the end of the day (sharper, more colour resolution) but the cameras are lots bulkier - Nikon F5 with a flash vs Canon Ixus type comparison. Sony Beta is the industry standard and most broadcast cameras look, feel and operate like it. RTFM (Read The Manual) & have a play before D-Day. I find broadcast cameras easier to use but I'm used to them - I like their manual controllability and stability on the shoulder (which will ache after no time)

The Digi-Beta is the best at the moment (except HDTV..). Use the Beta SP if it is for broadcast unless portability is an overwhelming factor. Shooting Beta is a heavy-going affair. Even Carbon tripods are cumbersome.

Video is contrastier than film & you'll need to pay attention to the way shots will cut together (the director's job but surprisingly often not their strong suit).

You can never have too many batteries & tapes. Watch for environmental problems (condensation due to temperature changes is the classic). Corner a camera operator & quiz them - they will tell you anything for beer.

:-) Ewen

(posted 8920 days ago)

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