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Response to Singles seeking partnership?

from DRAGONBREATH (d_breath@hotmail.com)
Carol, just to interject a few facts for you to mull over. In regards to Josh's input. A two year degree doesn't mean spit when it comes to a complete understanding of any subject. I happen to have a B.S. degree in Computer Science as well as a couple other unrelated degrees. In addition, I have had over 14 years experience in the computer industry, which currently I am a Network Systems Engineer as well as program design and coding. I have learned one thing in all the years I have been in the computer field, a computer will do the most unexpected thing at the most inopportune time. The fact that there are control I.C.s which depend on accurate date/time data to implement certain processes is without dispute. Second these control I.C.s are in more electronics than you can imagine; everything from control circuits in power plants to heart monitors, respirators and other medical equipment, to desktop devices. To flatly take the approach that there is no Y2K problem is to be either blind or ignorant. Now the question is,"Just how serious is it going to be?" No will know for sure until Jan 1, 2000. We may find ourselves in a position of just being inconvenienced, to a situation where we will have to do without a lot of commodities for a week, months to possibly a year depending on where you live. The problems may be compounded by fear and reactions to the approching date change as likely not. One other question, "If there is not a problem concerning the interconnection of computing systems, as well as their computations based upon date and time stamping; why is the government looking at spending over 4 Billion dollars to fix it?" Making preperatons against possible disasters, natural or man made, is prudent and nothing less than insurance. How much insurance you want depends upon the individual. Remember, you can't buy fire insurance after your house burns down. And the owning of fire insurance does not indicate that you want your house to burn just to collect on the insurance. The best bet is to be insured and hope you never have to file a claim. If you need information or assistance in getting information on Amateur Radio (HAM Radio) I will share what I know. I have been a HAM for many years and am willing to share the informtion I have with you or anyone else. Amateur Radio will let you communicate on a global basis, or just local depending on what your needs are. Take care.
(posted 9375 days ago)

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