I received this mail: Hi ROUGH, This is an automatically generated email from the MAME Action Replay Page to tell you about a new recording at the site. Your account (login 'ah') is set up to email you about any upload which beats one of your scores. The new recording was made by Novice@2ch using version mame55 and scores 14158180 on 1942 (1942 (set 1)). The new recording is in position 1. The new recording reduces your leaderboard score. The description for the recording is: 'Poor 1<< >>7 Good(posted 8441 days ago)
Level=5. shooting down 8604. 91% destraction
Played on skip=0.minimum speed=95%(57/60). '. You may view a list of scores for this game by visiting: http://marp.retrogames.com/index.cgi?mode=frames&mode2=search&short=^1942$&per_game=99 It can be downloaded from the Action Replay Page, as usual, or from: http://marp.retrogames.com/inp/7nt_1942_14158180_mame55.zip You can set up the things to want to be mailed about back at the MAME Action Replay Page. It appears on the 'edit_user' section of the main menu (click the 'Scores/Search/...' link at the top of the page, then click 'edit_user'. You can also use that page to say that you don't want to receive mail like this again. If you have problems, please email zwaxy@bigfoot.com. I will gladly stop you receiving this email if you don't want it. But cant find the score on the marp.site, has it been disqualified and if yes, why?