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Response to Development Charts - film by film

from Tim Nelson (timothy.nelson@yale.edu)
I think a series of annotated development charts might be very useful. In general, the big tables just cite time/temp data for each film/ developer combination, without variations and tweaks that tend to be discussed in this forum. For example, some combinations need specific agitation methods. I had difficulty getting even negs from XTOL development until one of the kind contributors here pointed out the Kodak recommendation for vigorous 5 sec agitations at 30 second intervals in small tanks for XTOL (thanks again John Hicks!). I had been using the gentle 5 sec per minute that had worked for me for years with HC110. It made a big difference for me, at least. The caveat is that the info for such tables would be anecdotal, with datasets contributed by a combination of individuals who might have very different techniques and expections as regards quality of results. I doubt that we all agree on what constitutes an ideal or even acceptable negative. Ideally, you'd want to test each combination under standard conditions--not too practical. But, hey, that's the nature of the web-- we find all kinds of info, and it's up to us to sort the grain from the chaff....
(posted 8487 days ago)

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